Re: Block media recovery with standard edition

From: Stefan Knecht <>
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 15:32:33 +0700
Message-ID: <>

This sounds like a very similar case I've had a few times recently. Corrupt block in unallocated extent at the end of the file. We just resized the file to just under that block_id, which cleared it too.


On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 11:26 AM, Mladen Gogala <> wrote:

> On 12/08/2015 06:53 PM, Andrew Kerber wrote:
> Do you have a time when you could safely move the indexes to a new table
> space? Then drop the tablespace.
> Thanks Andrew! That was a good idea. However, the time was of the essence,
> so I had to be a bit more creative. I used "backup as copy datafile 36",
> then switched to the copy and lo and behold, the corrupt blocks were absent
> from the copy. The only thing left was to drop the original copy of
> datafile, copy the correct one back from +FRA to +DATA and switch back to
> the +DATA diskgroup. Essentially, "backup as copy" seems to eliminate the
> corrupt empty blocks. I learned something tonight.
> Regards
> --
> Mladen Gogala
> Oracle DBA

Received on Wed Dec 09 2015 - 09:32:33 CET

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