extra cost options and DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS

From: Matt Adams <MAdams_at_TroverSolutions.com>
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 2015 20:08:54 +0000
Message-ID: <a635eaa6e3a64a8ca3b7d0b7d9514270_at_wpvl1dag02.hcrec.com>

We currently using v11.2 EE on solaris

During a licensing audit last year, we found out that a developer started using partitioning even though it's not licensed on the development servers, which obviously cost us money for licensing that we hadn't anticipated spending.

So, my boss wants to know if we can come up with a report that we can run regularly that will examine the DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS table and tell use which extra-cost options we are using.

Before I go through and figure out row-by-row which items related to extra cost options and which ones don't, has anybody else already gone through this exercise?

I did couple of google queries and a brief look through metalink (yes, dammit, I still call it metalink) and didn't find anything.

Matt Adams
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Received on Tue Dec 08 2015 - 21:08:54 CET

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