Re: Oracle DB performance tuning training

From: Tim Gorman <>
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2015 11:31:44 -0600
Message-ID: <>

+1 on what Chris and Charles said, and more...

The courses from Hotsos <>, Method-R <>, and OraPub <> are the best of the best, developed and delivered by the folks who trained everyone else. And I mean that literally. There are lots of people who know "how to do", but it is rare to find people who know "how to teach someone else to do". There is an old saying that you can't claim expertise in something until you can effectively explain it to someone else.

Also, as Charles said, the RMOUG <> "Training Days <>" conference is coming up next February. Right now, we're accepting and reviewing abstracts, which closes at the end of next month, and we'll publish the agenda within two weeks after that.

Of course I'm biased about RMOUG, but I don't mind voicing my opinion that it is one of the best Oracle conferences anywhere in the world because we have a very effective way of choosing content from the best in the world. ORACLE-L is a big part of that. Colorado doesn't have a big population, but it is blessed with a fairly central location in North America, and RMOUG is blessed with a large pool of dedicated and generous volunteers, and the combination is fortuitous.

There are a lot of equally fantastic local Oracle users groups in North America, such as NoCOUG (Bay area), UTOUG (Utah), NEOOUG (Cleveland), and NYOUG (NYC), and smaller local users groups that do amazing things with even less, such as NWOUG (Portland), DOUG (Dallas), SLOUG (St Louis), TCOUG (Minneapolis), COUG (Chicago), Calgary OUG, WMOUG (Grand Rapids, MI), and GAOUG (Atlanta). By no means is that a complete list, and I don't mean to offend by omission.

The upshot is, whereever you live, chances are good that there is a technical Oracle users group near you, or an EBS-centric Oracle Apps users group (OAUG) near you, or a JDE/PS-centric Quest users group near you. Someone on this list can help you make contact with them.

If there isn't an appropriate Oracle users group near you, then you have two more wonderful choices...

  1. Start one
  2. Take advantage of free webinars, such as those listed on the RMOUG calendar page <>
  3. Don't forget to check <> and search for "oracle" too

....OK, three wonderful choices.

And ruthless efficiency. Four choices. And an almost-fanatical devotion to the Pope. Five choices. OK, amongst our many choices ... oh, never mind... I'll just come in again... ***

Hope this helps!


  • - yes, a Monty Python reference...

On 8/20/15 10:56, Charles Schultz wrote:
> Thumbs up to what Chris said. Additionally, various user groups (Rocky
> Mountain, Ohio) have "Training Days" that typically offer great
> opportunities for deep-diving on these topics.
> On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 11:35 AM, D Kennel <
> <>> wrote:
> Has anyone taken the performance tuning class from Oracle
> University and would you recommend it? I’ve tried reading manuals
> and books, and typically end up with more questions than answers,
> so am hoping that being able to ask questions in a class would be
> helpful. I took a class from Learning Tree on this and didn’t
> feel like it was taught at a very in-depth level, so didn’t
> benefit from it much. Am hoping that a class taught by Oracle
> University would be more beneficial, but would be interested in
> hearing from people who actually took it what they thought about it?
> Deborah
> --
> Charles Schultz

Received on Thu Aug 20 2015 - 19:31:44 CEST

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