From: Tyfanie Wineriter <>
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2015 17:37:40 +0000
Message-ID: <9843B4DDAEB5BE42B2A704DE21AFBD62313D7D56_at_ad-oh-mbx02>

Just throwing in my 2 cents that I’d love to have a “MySQL for Oracle DBA’s” list if Oracle-L would rather keep MySQL out of it’s inbox. I’m having no luck on the<> - the list is actually rather abrasive, nothing like Oracle-L’s more gentle-nudge-in-the-direction-of-documentation-or-ignore that I’ve experienced.

I’m 72% positive I’ve asked this before, but if anyone has had any experience with a good MySQL-for-Oracle-DBAs community, I’d love to know about it.


~ Tyfanie Wineriter ~

Database Administrator
University of Oregon
1212 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97402-1212
(541) 346-1366

From: [] On Behalf Of Hans Forbrich Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 1:27 PM To:
Subject: Re: MySQL

On 12/08/2015 1:55 PM, Michael Calisi wrote: Can i ask a MySQL questions? if not can anyone recommend a site to post MySQL questions?

Sheesh ... the next thing you know, we'll have questions about WebLogic Server, SOA Suite, Identity Management, Linux, or any of the 1,800 other Oracle products ... ;-)

However, I, for one, would welcome questions in Oracle-L on topics about Oracle products other than just Oracle Database Server.

On the other hand, there are some well established lists in the community that are excellent. You might check for the more official lists.


Received on Thu Aug 13 2015 - 19:37:40 CEST

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