drop partition or make partition offline

From: Mostafa Eletriby <m_etrib_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2015 11:51:35 +0000
Message-ID: <810800368.3576930.1434369094529.JavaMail.yahoo_at_mail.yahoo.com>

Hello folks,I have some questions regarding my case.I have database 11g R1 Prod at Unix HP - UX , database is in archive mode. there exist some tables partitioned with huge data and there are local indexes.My question is that I need to drop these partitions , Is it better to make them offline then drop them smoothly after checking the effect at data and data consistency or go ahead to drop after taking backup & check required steps for restoration. Also ,I need to know the steps to be performed after dropping those partitions regarding the local indexes & how to check them and to know all the effect in details.Thanks
Received on Mon Jun 15 2015 - 13:51:35 CEST

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