OS upgrade for RAC

From: Hameed, Amir <Amir.Hameed_at_xerox.com>
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2015 14:05:39 +0000
Message-ID: <AF02C941134B1A4AB5F61A726D08DCED1FDBBBDA_at_USA7109MB012.na.xerox.net>

We are running a four-node RAC (both Grid and RDBMS are on Solaris 10 update 10. We need to upgrade our database and grid to 12c and that requires the OS to be at a minimum of Solaris 10 Update 11. What I would like to find out is that if we do a rolling OS upgrade where we upgrade one RAC node at a time from Solaris10/Update10 to Solaris10/Update11, for how long can these RAC nodes stay out of synch in terms of the OS revision level? Is it possible to upgrade OS on one node every week and spread the entire process over four weeks? Oracle's response was that the maximum these hosts can stay out of synch is 1-2 days but I would like to validate it from the list.

Any feedback will be appreciated.


Received on Tue Jun 02 2015 - 16:05:39 CEST

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