Re: WIERD Behavior with BULK COLLECT in a pl/sql block - help?

From: Chris Taylor <>
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 12:43:56 -0600
Message-ID: <>

​To get around it, I'll have to use what I was doing - which is setting up a SQL_STR and executing the SQL_STR. That makes sense.

Glad you guys were here to help me figure this out. Couldn't do it without you. ;)


On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 12:39 PM, Chris Taylor <> wrote:

> So let me guess.....even though the IF BLOCK would work on EXECUTION, it's
> FAILING during compile because I'm specifying the COLUMNS for
> &&p_table_name?
> Is that what's happening? If so, any suggestions to get around it?
> Chris

Received on Fri Jan 31 2014 - 19:43:56 CET

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