Oracle Applications - OrgChart 12.0

From: Steve Gardiner <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 15:55:48 -0600
Message-ID: <>

Hi listers,
Has anyone ever installed the Oracle Applications product OrgChart 12.0? Do you have your installation notes?
For me, the Oracle doc is spread across numerous technotes and patch readme files.
OrgChart uses WebLogic and ADF.
I have searched MOS, technet, blogs etc. I do have a SR opened with Oracle.
Almost seems like OrgChart is a Sieble or Peoplesoft app they bolted onto Oracle Apps 12.

Just hoping somebody else has gone through this painful ordeal, survived and might share their experience!

Steve Gardiner

LinkedIn Profile

This Day in Computer History

Received on Mon Jan 27 2014 - 22:55:48 CET

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