RE: Grid control rman backup not deleting old backups or archive logs

From: Rich Jesse <>
Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 15:55:15 -0500 (CDT)
Message-ID: <>

Peter writes:

> run{
> delete noprompt archivelog until time 'sysdate-2';
> }
> Exit
> This seems to work, but complains that the archive logs have not had enough
> backups. I changed my policy from requiring 2 backups to requiring one, but
> I still get the same message. The output of the backup job says that it is
> skipping logs which have already been backed up once. How do I get it to
> back them up twice or backup all of the existing logs?

My kneejerk is that you have set RMAN to purge based on the number of backups (redundancy), while expecting that to strictly correlate to a number of days (retention). Perhaps you want to set RMAN retention for the number of days, e.g.:

CONFIGURE RETENTION POLICY TO RECOVERY WINDOW OF 1 DAYS; Note though that you'll still need to run some flavor of the DELETE OBSOLETE command to act on the retention policy. Unless EM does that for you -- I don't schedule backups from there anymore, as EM 10g had a serious flaw that sometimes did not run jobs.

Also make sure you understand what the retention policies do. The above doesn't necessarily delete every RMAN backup file that's more than exactly 24 hours old. The RMAN Backup & Recovery book from Oracle Press can go a long way here.

HTH! GL! Rich

Received on Wed May 29 2013 - 22:55:15 CEST

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