RE: the joy of version numbers

From: Rich Jesse <>
Date: Thu, 23 May 2013 13:27:37 -0500 (CDT)
Message-ID: <>

Starting to get off-topic here, but regarding OFA, I unfortunately did not include a 4-digit version directory in the $OH path. I will be doing that on new servers. I also use a modified version of OFA where "/oradata" is not under $ORACLE_BASE. I spend a fair amount of time in the command line at some level of the "/admin" directory, whether it be scripting, maintenance, or looking through logs. I do not want to accidentally be anywhere near the data when I'm "rm"ing. In a related note, I also don't care for the redo extension of ".log", which Cary has kindly explained here in the past.

So I use a modified OFA. I hope I've been "Thinking Clearly" :) and changed what parts of those wonderful guidelines that I determined needing changing for my installations. I think that's part of a DBA's duties.

And now that I understand the reasoning behind the "/unn" naming in OFA (Cary's explanation), I'll probably be stepping away from it. For this install. Maybe not for the next one...

"It depends" :)


Received on Thu May 23 2013 - 20:27:37 CEST

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