Re: Export user DDL and privileges?

From: Norman Dunbar <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2012 11:20:57 +0100
Message-ID: <>

On 27/07/12 18:25, Tim Hall wrote:
> You scared me so I did a little test. The lack of a tablespace quota
> doesn't affect it as far as I can see. Am I missing something?


alter user tim_test quota unlimited on system; (chose your tablespace well!) and see if it still works. The problem I found in dbms_metadata is a proper numeric quota will work fine, but unlimited quotas are not extracted and, if the account has unlimited quota, but no numeric quotas, dbms_metadata barfs at the tablespace_quota bit, and that barf brings down your union all query.

It's a bug in Oracle by the look of things, it works fine on 11202/11203 on SLES 11.2 but barfs, as described, on 10205 on HP-UX.

Shame it's the 10205 users I want to extract the metadata for, but I've "fixed" it for that version by commenting out the call to dbms_metadata and adding in this instead:

select 'alter user '|| username || ' quota ' ||

        decode(max_bytes, -1, 'unlimited',
               to_char(max_bytes/1024/1024) ||'M') ||
        ' on ' || tablespace_name || ';'
from dba_ts_quotas
where username = :v_username;


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

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Company Number: 05132767

Received on Mon Jul 30 2012 - 05:20:57 CDT

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