Re: 11gR2 Data Pump question - parallel setting

From: rjamya <>
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2012 07:21:03 -0400
Message-ID: <>


index/constraints etc will run parallel only if they had parallel setting at the time of expdp. parallelism is mainly for creating/loading tables, rest of metadata is always handled by a single thread and so is index/constraint creation etc.In fact you can split index creation scripts by table and them submit them in parallel via different sessions and then do same for constraints if applicable.

If you want to do real parallelism, do what Greg suggested, create script and then tweak it to create indexes in parallel (and then alter to reset parallelism if you need to). Based on requirements, you may be able to speed up constraint creation by using novalidate (ymmv).

Broadly speaking the parallelism doesn't affect index/constraint/metadata part (not sure of 11203 or 12c yet). Also for loading data I am not really sure if having parallel=x where x >> number of your dumpfiles will benefit greatly. However x < number_of_datafiles will slow things down a bit in my experience.


On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 6:14 PM, CRISLER, JON A <> wrote:
> Is there any benefit to setting a Data Pump import to parallel=12 if the export was run with parallel=8 ? It seems to accept higher values, and spawns 12 workers. My goal is to get the items like index creation, constraints etc. to run faster. The source system has 8 cpu's, the target system 24 cpus.

Received on Fri Jul 27 2012 - 06:21:03 CDT

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