RE: EM 12c Agent Install - Windows

From: Peter Sharman <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2012 09:03:34 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <b4604c32-6b7d-4fc1-93da-199e65edda62_at_default>

> One other thing I'd recommend is to setup ssh authentication keys so that a password isn't required when ssh'ing to the remote box. Of course, this assumes the local account is secure.

Yup - the steps for doing this are also in the doco.

In fact, when I first saw Stephen's email I thought "Oh, it's prompting him for a password, ssh can't be set up correctly." Far too long working in a RAC environment, clearly, where that is actually needed! :)


Pete Sharman
Principal Product Manager
Enterprise Manager Product Suite
33 Benson Crescent CALWELL ACT 2905 AUSTRALIA Phone: +61262924095 | | Fax: +61262925183 | | Mobile: +61414443449 

"Controlling developers is like herding cats." Kevin Loney, Oracle DBA Handbook

"Oh no, it's not, it's much harder than that!" Bruce Pihlamae, long term Oracle DBA

-----Original Message-----
From: Rich Jesse [] Sent: Friday, 20 July 2012 12:10 AM
Subject: RE: EM 12c Agent Install - Windows

Jo writes:

> Where is the TZ time zone variable getting set ? An SSH "shell" is not
> the same as an interactive shell; for example IIRC .profile and
> /etc/bashrc don't get executed (though I believe /etc/profile does).

One way to see is to execute "env" on the ssh instead of echoing a single env var. Compare the output to a local login where those profiles are most likely called (see the INVOCATION heading in "man sh" in CygWin).

I don't believe TZ is set on Windows, which is where I believe CygWin gets it env vars from. At least it's not on my XP box here at work.

One other thing I'd recommend is to setup ssh authentication keys so that a password isn't required when ssh'ing to the remote box. Of course, this assumes the local account is secure.



Received on Thu Jul 19 2012 - 11:03:34 CDT

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