RE: EM 12c Agent Install - Windows

From: Holvoet, Jo <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2012 09:36:06 +0200
Message-ID: <>


Where is the TZ time zone variable getting set ? An SSH "shell" is not the same as an interactive shell; for example IIRC .profile and /etc/bashrc don't get executed (though I believe /etc/profile does).

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Uzzell, Stephan Sent: woensdag 18 juli 2012 23:15
To: '';; Subject: RE: EM 12c Agent Install - Windows

Fair enough... Now what I need is a Cygwin / SSH expert :)

Taking other machines out of the picture to simplify, it still doesn't retrieve the timezone via SSH.... weird

suzzell_at_MADHGCAPP01 ~
$ ssh -l cyg_server MADHGCAPP01 /bin/sh -c 'echo $TZ' cyg_server_at_madhgcapp01's password:

suzzell_at_MADHGCAPP01 ~
$ echo $TZ

Stephan Uzzell

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Peter Sharman Sent: Wednesday, 18 July, 2012 16:58
To: Uzzell, Stephan;; Subject: RE: EM 12c Agent Install - Windows

I don't know enough about the installer to know if the timezone variable is a critical factor, but it is listed in table 8.1 of the basic installation guide as a prerequisite you must meet. I'd fix that first and see if there are still issues.


Pete Sharman
Principal Product Manager
Enterprise Manager Product Suite
33 Benson Crescent CALWELL ACT 2905 AUSTRALIA Phone: +61262924095 | | Fax: +61262925183 | | Mobile: +61414443449 

"Controlling developers is like herding cats."
Kevin Loney, Oracle DBA Handbook

"Oh no, it's not, it's much harder than that!"
Bruce Pihlamae, long term Oracle DBA

-----Original Message-----
From: Uzzell, Stephan [mailto:SUzzell_at_MICROS.COM] Sent: Thursday, 19 July 2012 6:26 AM
To: Peter Sharman;; Subject: RE: EM 12c Agent Install - Windows

Hi Pete,

  1. The OMS server is Windows 2008 R2 x64, SP1. I've tried the agent push to two different target hosts, both Windows 2003 x64, SP2, one enterprise, one standard.
  2. Cygwin is installed on both target hosts, and I validated SSH by pulling the date from the target:

suzzell_at_MADHGCAPP01 ~
$ ssh -l cyg_server MANADDBTST01 'date'
cyg_server_at_manaddbtst01's password:
Wed Jul 18 16:17:02 EDT 2012

3. Yes, I'm using Setup --> Add Target --> Add Targets Manually --> Add Host Targets.

I do believe I've granted all the necessary privileges to the cyg_server user at both the Windows and Cygwin levels.

One prerequisite in the install doc that is not working for me - and I don't know how important this truly is - I cannot over SSH retrieve the value of the time zone:

suzzell_at_MADHGCAPP01 ~
$ ssh -l cyg_server MANADDBTST01 /bin/sh -c 'echo $TZ' cyg_server_at_manaddbtst01's password:

suzzell_at_MADHGCAPP01 ~


Stephan Uzzell

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Sharman [] Sent: Wednesday, 18 July, 2012 15:48
To:; Uzzell, Stephan; Subject: RE: EM 12c Agent Install - Windows

I think Kellyn means ignoreSysprereqs which in fact is done automatically IIRC. Anyway, it's certainly listed as there in the error.

Some details might help:

  1. OMS/Agent OS and versions
  2. Is Cygwin installed on the agent?
  3. How are you pushing the agent out? Add Host ...?


Pete Sharman
Principal Product Manager
Enterprise Manager Product Suite
33 Benson Crescent CALWELL ACT 2905 AUSTRALIA Phone: +61262924095 | | Fax: +61262925183 | | Mobile: +61414443449 

"Controlling developers is like herding cats."
Kevin Loney, Oracle DBA Handbook

"Oh no, it's not, it's much harder than that!"
Bruce Pihlamae, long term Oracle DBA



Received on Thu Jul 19 2012 - 02:36:06 CDT

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