Fwd: Re: GoldenGate Extract wants archivelog from before checkpoint

From: De DBA <dedba_at_tpg.com.au>
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2012 15:02:15 +1000
Message-ID: <4FFFABD7.3020806_at_tpg.com.au>

<resent due to overquoting>


That makes sense.. this is a very active VLDB, and many people are running reports etc. on it, through Hummingbird, Cognos and Golden (not Gate ;) ) mainly. There may well have been a long-running report..

Upgrading is exactly what we're doing, but since neither 9i nor the HPUX version are supported anymore, Oracle have provided us with the last available version that will work in this environment to get this upgrade going. No support, most likely... :(

Suppose there's no other option than to restart this 3-week migration process anew..


On 13/07/12 2:40 PM, Mark Van de Wiel wrote:
> Tony,
> There must have been an open transaction at the point where the extract
> wants to start that began in your archive log sequence 187880, and
> GoldenGate wants to read the full history of that transaction. Chances
> are this is a session (e.g. Toad is pretty notorious for these kinds of
> sessions) that opened a transaction, never did anything, and never will
> do anything, but you don't know unless you capture the entire transaction.
> The most recent version of GoldenGate addresses this challenge but since
> it looks like you weren't running this upgrading now won't fix your
> problem.
> There is a way to skip a single transaction and I believe this is
> documented. However to be sure you only skip the one transaction you
> cannot capture anymore you might want to talk to Oracle Support. Also,
> of course if this isn't a completely idle transaction then you will miss
> changes in your replication process. GoldenGate captures per transaction
> and if the transaction is not in the list of transactions to track then
> it ignores any DML/DDL for the transaction.
> You can also reset the extract to start at a more recent point in time
> but then you will likely skip more transactions, since GoldenGate will
> only start capturing transactions that start after the point where you
> reset it.
> Hope this helps.
> Mark.

Received on Fri Jul 13 2012 - 00:02:15 CDT

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