Re: Adoption of kernel UEK or UEK2

From: Martin Bach <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2012 16:45:11 +0100
Message-ID: <>

Thanks all for posting! Keep them coming :)

On 11/07/2012 16:18, Matthew Zito wrote:
> OracleVM is a non-starter at this point in the enterprise, as VMware
> owns the hypervisor world. I don't know any large companies that are
> running it in production - I have seen 1 or 2 in Europe that are
> running Xen (which OracleVM is based on), but they're running the
> Citrix version.

This is an interesting point raised, and similar concerns have been voiced by the German Oracle User Group (in German:

I have recently had a go at Oracle VM 3.1.1 -it consists of 2 components. The server, based on Xen isn't too bad at all, but the management interface has still to catch up with vServer. For example, I had a NullPointerException (VM Manager is written in ADF) when trying to create a repository. The error message then urged me to look into a file in the weblogic domain to find out what went wrong. I didn't consider that too user friendly. But to give Oracle credit, the product has evolved a lot, and they are pouring lots of resources into it. Which is good for me because the mainstream kernel benefitted from the kernel hackers working for Oracle as well.
> However, I do know a bunch of places that are running OEL for their
> database boxes, partially for cost, partially for supportability
> reasons.
> Matt


Received on Wed Jul 11 2012 - 10:45:11 CDT

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