Data Guard LOGICAL restore/reconfigure

From: P D <>
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 23:22:22 -0500
Message-ID: <BLU137-W37CF759B0471264D5491DD0E50_at_phx.gbl>

Need some advice. We have a Data Guard LOGICAL configuration where we have multiple schemas in the primary that are all replicating to the secondary.  

One (and only one) of the schemas in the primary needs to be restored to a prior date (truncate/drop/import). Currently the DDL for that schema is NOT being replicated to the primary but the DML is. We have now been told that particular schema does not need to be replicated at all into the secondary and could actually be removed.  

Is something like this possible and should it be done in this order (or a different order)? What is the best command to use for #2.  

Stop log shipping.
Stop all replication for that schema. Is there an easy way to skip ALL DML and DDL for a particular schema? Is there any performance impact for skipping that much? Truncate/drop/import into primary the prior data. Start log shipping.
Remove schema from secondary.                                                 

Received on Mon Jan 31 2011 - 22:22:22 CST

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