Re: unix Ksh script variable

From: Martijn Bos <>
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 16:43:39 +0100
Message-ID: <20110131154339.GA21136_at_app01.bos>


On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 02:36:28PM +0000, Walker, Jed S wrote:
> Why not just pass in the username as the parameter
> Script sys
> $1 is then sys (or whatever username you want to pass in)

But then still you need somewhere to store passwords and sid to use when connecting.

(ahum....assumption is the mother of all.......
(but I assumed a central system" of which the script is run. It then has to connect to various databases.
(Then you somewhere have to have the credentials and/or connectinformation 
(but then again ....assumption is the mother.....

Best Regards,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf Of Martijn Bos
> Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 5:04 AM
> To: A Joshi
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: unix Ksh script variable
> Hi,
> My idea for your question
> Can't you use:
> echo $usr
> My idea for a sligthly different approach:
> I would not define all the variables in the script itself.
> If it was up to me I would create a "config-file" which looks like:
> <sid1>:<user-to-login-with1>:<password-for-this-user1>
> <sid2>:<user-to-login-with2>:<password-for-this-user2>
> ...
> ...
> ...
> Then in your script loop through the config-file. With awk you can get alle the variables you need for connecting
> Best Regards,
> Martijn Bos
> On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 07:55:04PM -0800, A Joshi wrote:
> > hi
> > I have a script which is to be executed on many databases and different databases have different log in users/password. Login needs to be chosen based on parameter passed so if the parameter passed is 1 it needs to choose user1 and so on. I will be doing sqlplus $usr_at_$DB and need usr to have the value sys in this case and so on
> > it is something like -
> > user1=sys
> > user2=system
> > user3=emp
> > pw1=x
> > pw2=xx
> > pw3=xxx
> > #number=$1
> > number=1
> > us=user
> > usr=$us$number
> > export user1 user2 user3 number us usr
> > export pw1 pw2 pw3
> > echo $user1
> > I tried in below ways but it is not working
> > echo $usr
> > export $usr ="$user1"
> > echo $usr
> >
> > echo ${!$usr}
> > echo ${!usr}
> > echo $"$usr"
> > echo `echo $"$usr"`
> > can someone help.thanks in advance
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Met vriendelijke groet,
> Martijn Bos
> (06 39477001)
> --
> --


Met vriendelijke groet,
Martijn Bos
(06 39477001)

Received on Mon Jan 31 2011 - 09:43:39 CST

Original text of this message