Re: going back to physical standby from logical standby

From: Qaiser <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2011 23:09:31 -0600
Message-Id: <>

Instantiating the table should be faster than applying archive redologs from a massive update. When you instantiate a table, oracle uses datapump under the hood to synch up the table from primary to the standby site.

I would suggest skipping the current update on your logical standby. Instantiate the table followed by UNSKIP.

Hope this helps!


On Jan 7, 2011, at 7:01 PM, K R <> wrote:

> All,
> I have a situation.
> I created a physical standby database on 12/15
> and I converted it to logical standby database on 12/20
> there was a huge batch job on primary that ran on 12/22 which updated 2 big tables of around 150G each .and the updates coming from that batch job is still running since then.
> I have been always doing the instantiation which normally takes like 4 hour but this time I am thinking if there is a quicker alternative to it .not sure if incarnation will help here.
> So can I revert back to standby ( 12/19 ) and let the archive logs applied till 12/23 it will be a lot quicker . The database is on
> Thanks in advance.
> Kart

Received on Fri Jan 07 2011 - 23:09:31 CST

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