Re: RAC Trace files

From: Ethan Post <>
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2010 21:29:38 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Someone answered me offline and pointed me to

Have to say that the # of .trc files being generated by 11g+RAC is quite annoying. I am use to about 20% of trace files being useless information and 80% having real value, therefore I like to keep tabs on them, but now it seems like 80% are useless information and 20% mean something.

On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 1:13 PM, Ethan Post <> wrote:

> Getting regular trace files with the following in them (partial below) on 2
> node RAC RHEL5. Harmless? Not harmless?
> KSXPCINI: kjxgnpub KSXP 2.1.0GESR000 13, 0
> ftd (4) received from node 2 (2/5.0.0)
> all ftds received

Received on Thu Sep 16 2010 - 21:29:38 CDT

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