Re: Speeding up RMAN backup using TDP

From: ~Jeff~ <>
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 2010 22:50:20 +1200
Message-ID: <>

Hi Stefano

It looks like your I/O performance is very low(~75GB/hr with SQL backtrack), I'd suggest looking into that first - perhaps by seeing if a disk-to-disk copy can do any faster to help identify where the problem is.

For comparison, our HPUX Itanium servers with EMC SAN and RAID-5 can copy disk-to-disk at about 300GB/hr. At a previous site, a full level-0 RMAN backup could do either 3 or 5 TB (don't have my notes on hand!) in 10 hrs - this was Sunfire server with a dedicated Gb-ethernet LAN for backups going to TDP with disk pool staging and around 6 tape heads. The TDP server had heavy contention for resources from other databases though.

But I'd suggest finding if/where the I/O bottleneck is before bringing RMAN into the picture.

There is also a very good Oracle whitepaper on tuning RMAN which helped me to halve level-0 backup times.

Hope that helps...
Jeff Wong

On 3 July 2010 07:34, Stefano Cislaghi <> wrote:

> Hello all,
> looking here for some tips on debug RMAN backup using TDP.
> Simply my RMAN backup is working, but is slow.
> My enviroment is using a TSM server that uses disks and not tape...this
> should be quite fast.
> Actually we're using a third party tool (BMC SQL Backtrack) to backup and
> this is doing for comparison 100Gb of DB in about 1h30m.
> My RMAN full backup using TDP for same 100Gb takes 3h.
> There's no RATE defined and restrictions on RMAN channel instantiation and
> in dsm.opt for TDP.
> Simply looking during backup my disks reading does not reach a speed up to
> 20MB/s.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks
> Ste

Received on Fri Jul 09 2010 - 05:50:20 CDT

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