Re: Performance issue after creating higher block size tablespace

From: Martin Klier <>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 17:45:24 +0100
Message-ID: <>


Saad Khan schrieb:
> Is there any other step I can take? I dont want to revert it back to
> 4k , I think it should work.
> Any suggestions?

Revert it.

Did you read what Tom Kyte always write about this one?

"BUT - do not use multiple block sizes for anything other than transporting data from database A to database B where the block size in A is different from B. No silver bullets with this "trick", nothing you want to do in real life. The cases whereby multiple blocksizes are useful are typically limited to benchmarks, old wives tales, and very exceptionally rare conditions."

See here and here



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Received on Thu Feb 25 2010 - 10:45:24 CST

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