Re: Oracle Training Event in Columbus, OH Area (Dublin - where Jack Nicholas lives)

From: <>
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2010 16:18:01 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Yeah, but Jack was an OSU Buckeye, and Carol is a Michigan Wolverine fan, so what can you expect :)

Carol..thanks for posting this training opportunity!

John Norman
Consultant - Data Eng/Admin
Nationwide Investment Systems

Andrew Kerber <> To:
Oracle-L Freelists <> Date:
02/24/2010 04:14 PM
Re: Oracle Training Event in Columbus, OH Area (Dublin - where Jack Nicholas lives)
Sent by:

is that the Jack Nicholas that spells his name Jack Nicklaus, and is known for his golf skills?

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 3:07 PM, Carol Dacko <> wrote: Hello everyone! First, I can't believe that I am sending this announcement out as a die-hard Michigan Wolverine fan. BUT, it is Oracle related and it is Gaja who is the trainer.  

Here are the particulars:  

The Ohio Oracle User group is presenting a two-day  

"Performance Management Seminar in Columbus on March 25-26. Gaja Vaidyanatha, who is teaching the seminar, is one of the most recognized experts in Oracle performance tuning. You may have read one of his books, Oracle Performance Tuning 101 by Oracle Press, or Oracle Insights: Tales of the Oak Table. Or, you may have seen him present at Collaborate or Oracle Open World.
This seminar is offered at a much lower cost than what Oracle charges for their classes, and with Gaja teaching it magnifies the value per dollar. The details of the seminar are below and on our website, If you need recommendations for lodging in Columbus please let us know. Hope to see you in Columbus next month. "  

This was sent to me by Bonnie Bizzaro, the Vice Presidet of the Ohio Oracle Users Group.  

Meeting Date: March 25-26, 2010
Meeting Location:
Dublin Community Recreation Center at Coffman Park 5600 Post Rd Dublin, OH 43017 (614) 410-4550 This facility provides free wireless internet access. Registration:
You must pre-pay to attend this special meeting. Please ensure your payment reaches us by the dates denoted below in "Meeting Cost". This meeting is a possible 2 day event, if you're interested in attending both days, please let us know ahead of time. If there is not enough interest for the 2 days, we'll make it a 1 day event only. Meeting Cost:
$275/day until Feb 28
$300/day from March 1 - March 11

Registration Form

The meeting includes presentations, breakfast, lunch and snacks. Gift giveaways will vary but usually include drawings for Oracle books. All attendees are automatically registered in the OOUG gift drawings. Occasionally, vendor representatives will offer additional gift drawings that require attendees to register directly with the vendor in order to be eligible to win a prize. Registration for vendor gift drawings is entirely at the option of the attendee and is not governed by the OOUG's privacy policy.
Meeting Schedule:

Time     Speaker & Topic
8:00a -  9:00a     Registration / Breakfast
9:00a -  9:15a     Announcements
9:15a - 12:00p     Gaja Presentation.
12:00a -  1:00p     Lunch
1:00p -  3:45p     Gaja Presentation.
3:45p -  4:00p     Gift Drawings, Wrap up 
Presentation Abstracts:
Two-Day Oracle Performance Management Seminar The world of Oracle performance management has a reputation as part science, part art, and mostly wizardry.
This seminar imparts the core principles of performance management by sharing a methodology to investigate, determine, and implement "meaningful solutions" to real problems. This seminar covers all releases of Oracle from version 7 to 11G, predominantly focusing on versions 9i and 10g. The syllabus for the seminar includes the following: Oracle Database Architecture Review
What is Multi-Version Read Consistency (MVRC) and why is it relevant? How does Oracle implement MVRC?
What is Performance Optimization?
When should you optimize?
Oracle Performance Tuning Methodology
The Method Behind the Madness
Oracle Diagnostics (I)
Operating System Diagnostics (II)
Correlating I & II
The Guts of OWI
The core performance diagnostic views
Low-level trace methods (10046, 10053)
Understanding the Oracle Optimizer
Performance Case Studies from the Real World) Performance Management in Oracle 10G/11g Conclusion   

Speaker Information:
Gaja Krishna Vaidyanatha has over seventeen years of industry technical expertise working with Oracle systems. He is the Principal of DBPerfMan LLC (, an independent consulting firm specializing in the area of Oracle Database Performance Diagnostics & Management for Fortune 500 corporations. In the recent years, he has worked in a product management role providing strategic and technical direction to application performance and storage management solutions for companies like Veritas Corporation, Oracle Corporation and Quest Software. Gaja also served as a Technical Manager at Andersen Consulting (Accenture), where he specialized in Oracle Systems Performance Management and led the Oracle Performance Management SWAT Team within the Technology Product Services Group. He is the primary author of the Oracle Performance Tuning 101 published by Oracle Press . Gaja is also one of the co-authors of the book Oracle Insights : Tales of the Oak Table, published by Apress . His key areas of interests include application and database performance and storage architectures for Oracle-based systems. He holds a Masters Degree in Computer Science from Bowling Green State University, Ohio. He has presented many papers at various regional, national and international Oracle conferences and has served as faculty of the IOUG-A Master Class University and the Oracle University Celebrity Seminar Series. Gaja is a member of the OakTable Network and can be reached at

Andrew W. Kerber

'If at first you dont succeed, dont take up skydiving.'

Received on Wed Feb 24 2010 - 15:18:01 CST

Original text of this message