RE: utl_smtp issues

From: Goulet, Richard <>
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2010 12:39:27 -0500
Message-ID: <>

UTL_SMTP uses the Java under the covers as well as UTL_TCP to send mail without using mailx or sendmail at the OS level. UTL_MAIL uses the SMTP_OUT_SERVER parameter & is a wrapper to UTL_SMTP, but you have to install it separately because it it not called by any of the standard scripts. Its in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlmail.sql and prvtmail.plb. You have to hand UTL_SMTP both the host smtp server name or ip and the port that you want to use, there is no default but it is usually port 25. Some smtp servers require an authenticated user to send mail so look to see if the sender has been deleted from email on your target server as well.  

Dick Goulet
Senior Oracle DBA/NA Team Lead
PAREXEL International  

[] On Behalf Of Dba DBA Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 11:23 AM To: ORACLE-L
Subject: utl_smtp issues

OS: Solaris 64 bit  

We have used utl_smtp for emailing for years. Now all of a sudden on some of our servers, mail is not being sent when we use utl_smtp. Nothing in the datbase has changed. mailx on the unix server works fine.  

What does utl_smtp do under the cover to send mail? I am assuming it makes some OS calls to send mail? There was probably some OS/network change or something. However, it is easier to track down if someone can help me figure out what utl_smtp does under the covers.  

it does not appear to use mailx since mailx still works.

Received on Wed Feb 24 2010 - 11:39:27 CST

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