Re: Optimistic locking with ora_rowscn

From: David Ballester <>
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2010 13:07:29 +0100
Message-ID: <>

Hi David,

> Surely this doesn't matter, as it's a pseudo column that won't be used
> until the client makes an update?
> However, I may be missing something, care to elucidate.
> Regards.
> --
> S. Anthony Sequeira
> ++
> Double *sigh*. _04 is going onto thousands of CDs even as we speak,
> so to speak.
> -- Larry Wall in <> <>
> ++

ok, now i see what you mean, i am always scared about developers 'copying' data from pseudo columns and saving them in regular fields

If you use directly the pseudo column without saving the value in a regular field, no problem


Received on Wed Feb 17 2010 - 06:07:29 CST

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