Re: heads up on em grid upgrade

From: Bradd Piontek <>
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 2010 07:53:45 -0600
Message-ID: <>

Even moreso, I did a fresh install and it did NOT like a case-sensitive password, period (no changing involved). Sure made the final step of populating the repository a head-scratcher for a few minutes.

On 2/14/10, D'Hooge Freek <> wrote:
> Related to this:
> If you are using an 11g database as repository for the grid control, you
> also might want to check the following mos note: Sysman Password Change
> Fails when using case sensitive password with 11g repository [ID 794084.1]
> I ran into this at a customer site.
> regards,
> Freek D'Hooge
> Uptime
> Oracle Database Administrator
> email:
> tel +32(0)3 451 23 82
> disclaimer:
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Niall Litchfield []
> Sent: 12 February 2010 23:52
> Subject: heads up on em grid upgrade
> Just a heads up for anyone tempted to upgrade to GC and migrating
> to an 11g db as well. We did this and found that apparently agent
> communication didn't work properly whereas it had previously. In particular
> GC didn't notice when an agent went down and then manual investigation of
> the agent page in gc displayed the "cannot communicate with agent host"
> message. communication was in fact fine.
> I spent a lot of time, too much time, on diagnosing comms problems with
> Oracle support some their problem, some mine.
> It turns out that the agent unreachable alert (and therefore notification)
> that we should have got is triggered by an EM dbms_job
> (EM_PING.MARK_NODE_STATUS() ). There are various bugs/notes about job_queue
> processes and em jobs not being submitted. In our case none matched. However
> I eventually discovered that the new scheduler had been disabled in the
> repository. This has the unexpected side effect (well unexpected to me) of
> also disabling all dbms_jobs. Hopefully it won't take you several days to
> pick this up if it affects you. I guess there will also be other cases where
> the new scheduler gets disabled and breaks em.
> --
> Niall Litchfield
> Oracle DBA

Sent from my mobile device

Bradd Piontek
   "Next to doing a good job yourself,
         the greatest joy is in having someone
         else do a first-class job under your
  -- William Feather
Received on Sun Feb 14 2010 - 07:53:45 CST

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