RE: Google wave

From: Goulet, Richard <>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 13:06:51 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Oh dear, another off topic subject that's starting a storm. Personally I think we've got tooo much connectivity as it is. When I started in IT cell phones were non-existent and when they did come in they weighed 5 pounds bag & all. There is no private time anymore. No turning the world off. And these services are to blame. I've a younger cohort who was dating a certain young lady who was interrupted in the middle of I'm sure you can guess by a text message from twitter. Bother & shut them down.  

Dick Goulet
Senior Oracle DBA/NA Team Lead
PAREXEL International  

[] On Behalf Of Thomas Roach Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 12:32 PM To: Guillermo Alan Bort
Cc:; Subject: Re: Google wave

Guillermo, what if Google expanded GoogleDocs to let you have online SVN/Git repositories and even leverage Google Code so you can create projects and seamlessly share it with people much like you do your Google Calendar or docs?  

I think the key is integration. I think Google has done a very lousy job of integrating all these new services. I think Google Docs and Gmail integrate well, but that's about it as far as I can tell.

On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 12:29 PM, Guillermo Alan Bort
<> wrote:

        I have both wave and buzz. Don't really like any of them. Buzz looks to me as a 'counter' to twitter/facebook/orkut, that allow you to 'share' 'what's on your mind'. It's rather annoying really...         

        Wave has some nice features... it has potential to become a collaboration suite some day... but it's far from it. I think that shared code editing would be a nice feature, or perhaps a cvs/svn service...         

        I'd also like the ability to join wave with gmail... since gmail is my 'google central'...         


	On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 3:08 PM, Christoph

<> wrote:

                Well, Wave is still in beta, so naturally there are still some bugs. I too wish there would be gmail notifications whenever waves get updated. I think, however, there may be a gadget for that.

                Voice seems to integrate nicely into gmail for me. Getting text versions of voicemails is certainly nice.

                As for buzz, well, it seems to be a twitter clone. Not sure of any good uses for it.

                On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 10:57 AM, Thomas Roach
<> wrote:

                        My biggest gripe about wave and voice was that it did not seem to integrate with gmail. Not sure if I am doing it wrong, but it was like I had to add users separately outside of my gmail address book. Like it was a whole new service so I didn't bother to try and leverage it.                          

                        Anyone find a way? is it integrated better now since buzz?                                                  

                        On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 11:30 AM, Christoph
<> wrote:

				Hi all, 
				I would like to know if any of you are
using Google Wave <> , and if so, how.

			Thomas Roach

		"Men do not quit playing because they grow old; they
grow old because they quit playing."
		- Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes

Thomas Roach

Received on Fri Feb 12 2010 - 12:06:51 CST

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