SQL Auditing Help - Sol 10,
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 16:07:24 -0600
Message-ID: <565F609E6D736D439837F1A1A797F341020CD1F8_at_ADMINMAIL1.ui.uillinois.edu>
I have a centralized auditing table that I am trying to update based on date values (field timestamp from dba_audit_trail, datatype is date) from other databases. I'm trying to grab entries 30 days old or newest and put them into my 'master' table. My insert statement is thus:
insert into oracle.master_audit (select name ,os_username,
timestamp,username, userhost, terminal
from V$DATABASE, dba_audit_trail where timestamp > timestamp - 30)
1459 rows created.
However when attempting to run the same sql across a DB link, I'm getting the following:
SQL> 2 terminal from V$DATABASE_at_DSTESTDB, dba_audit_trail_at_DSTESTDB where timestamp < timestamp -30)
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-02070: database does not support in this context
02070, 00000, "database %s%s does not support %s in this context"
// *Cause: The remote database does not support the named capability in // the context in which it is used. // *Action: Simplify the SQL statement.
My 'master' table is just a subset of columns in the dba_audit_trail view and looks like this:
create table oracle.master_audit
(DBNAME varchar2(10),
OS_USERNAME varchar2(255),
Partition by range (TIMESTAMP)
partition auditq1 values less than (to_date('01-APR-2009 00:00:00','dd-MON-yyyy HH24:MI:SS')) tablespace auditq1, partition auditq2 values less than (to_date('01-JUN-2009 00:00:00','dd-MON-yyyy HH24:MI:SS'))tablespace auditq2, partition auditq3 values less than (to_date('01-AUG-2009 00:00:00','dd-MON-yyyy HH24:MI:SS')) tablespace auditq3, partition auditq4 values less than (to_date('01-DEC-2009 00:00:00','dd-MON-yyyy HH24:MI:SS')) tablespace auditq4, partition auditq5 values less than (to_date('01-FEB-2010 00:00:00','dd-MON-yyyy HH24:MI:SS')) tablespace auditq5, partition auditq6 values less than (to_date('01-APR-2010 00:00:00','dd-MON-yyyy HH24:MI:SS')) tablespace auditq6, partition auditq7 values less than (to_date('01-JUN-2010 00:00:00','dd-MON-yyyy HH24:MI:SS')) tablespace auditq7, partition auditq8 values less than (to_date('01-AUG-2010 00:00:00','dd-MON-yyyy HH24:MI:SS')) tablespace auditq8, partition auditcurrent values less than (maxvalue) tablespace auditcurrent
The error message isn't much help to me; I think the statement is pretty simple as is.
Thanks- Chris
Chris Newman
Database Specialist
AITS, University of Illinois
-- http://www.freelists.org/webpage/oracle-lReceived on Tue Jan 26 2010 - 16:07:24 CST