Re: OTN downloading problems

From: Bill Ferguson <>
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 06:47:37 -0700
Message-ID: <>

I received this reply back from Oracle (on a non-technical SR): "Please try to logout of, then clear browser cache and cookies, close all the browser windows and open the browser again. Go to and login, then navigate to OTN and try to download again."

Using IE8, I still had problems. But, I tried downloading with Firefox and it worked.

They did change the security settings in our organization last week, supposedly to make things more secure, but like what usually happens in those situations, they just wind up making it it even more difficult to get any real work accomplished. Now we spend half our time trying to figure out workarounds to their "security updates".


Received on Wed Jan 20 2010 - 07:47:37 CST

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