Re: oracle EE pricing

From: Gints Plivna <>
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 21:38:20 +0200
Message-ID: <>

We have used this SE and SE ONE licensing feature recently to make the price more attractive to our customers. If somebody is yet doubtful I think the best proof is that noone hunts down our customers :) as well as publicly available tpc results.

For example for SE

Total # of Processors:	 4
Total # of Cores:	24

and SE ONE

Total # of Processors:	 2
Total # of Cores:	8

Gints Plivna

2010/1/19 Allen, Brandon <>:
> [..]If you have two
> sockets you pay the same regardless of how many cores they have, so the
> price is the same for two dual-cores as it is for two quad-cores or two
> six-ways; you’re only charged for TWO processor licenses even though you may
> be running 4, 8 or 12 cores.  I think I went through this same
> misunderstanding a few years ago but already forgot about it.  Can anyone
> confirm if I have it right now?

Received on Tue Jan 19 2010 - 13:38:20 CST

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