weird error on select

From: Remigiusz Sokolowski <>
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 09:43:51 +0100
Message-ID: <>


while this is not a problem as we deal with it somehow - it is somewhat mysterious .

Environment is db v. with patches 8576156, 6119455 on Linux x86-64

The problem was a statment "SELECT * FROM acc_stmt", which returned ORA-00936 missing expression. While this indicates an error in syntax (usually) there is nothing wrong with the statement as You see. On this table there are no triggers and 2 unique indexes. There are also 3 packages which reference it.

Every SELECT query ended with the error mentioned above. Moving this table with rebuilding indexes did not change anything. I rename it and checked again - the error was there. Then I simply loaded a new table under the old name, created indexes on it and recompiled packages.
After this set of operations both tables work properly (also this old one).

Anybody hit something like it or is able to explain this?

Best regards
Remigiusz Sokolowski

Pole nakazi

Remigiusz Sokolowski <>
pos  : DBA at DUSB
addr : Nordea Bank Polska SA, Luzycka 6A Street, 81-537 Gdynia, Poland
phone: +48 58 667 17 43

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Received on Tue Jan 19 2010 - 02:43:51 CST

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