Re: db_recovery_dest pointing to 100Tb file system

From: Howard Latham <>
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 14:47:30 +0000
Message-ID: <>

Shortest Reply ever! 1 is best because you know always know where it is going and no config changes will be required. - The only only downside is if the recovery area goes off line. If you only have 1 then you have a singe point of failure - bit of a no no.But I if you have space on your server for a temporary area in case of failure then I would still go for 1 Very big recovery area.

2010/1/15 Howard Latham <>

> 1
> 2010/1/15 hrishy <>
> Hi
>> I have a 25TB database for which i need to configure a recoery area.
>> is it advisable to configure a single filesystem of 100Tb as recovery area
>> or configure 5-8 filesystems adding to 100Tb .
> --
> Howard A. Latham

Howard A. Latham

Received on Fri Jan 15 2010 - 08:47:30 CST

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