Re: RMAN on Windows Server

From: Jeffrey Beckstrom <>
Date: Tue, 01 Dec 2009 11:41:21 -0500
Message-Id: <>

We put all of our RMAN backup commands in a .cmd file. The cmd file references each database and runs an RMAN script. It is scheduled through the windows task scheduler.  

Jeffrey Beckstrom
Database Administrator
Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority 1240 W. 6th Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44113

>>> Bill Zakrzewski <> 12/1/09 10:03 AM >>>
All -

I was just given a database to maintain on Windows, does anyone have a basic RMAN backup script that I can alter to automate an RMAN backup on Windows? I usually work on Linux or Unix and not really familiar with scripting on a Windows server. Any advice on automating the script will be helpful too.

Windows Server 2003 SP2

Thanks in advance,

Received on Tue Dec 01 2009 - 10:41:21 CST

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