Re: EM Db console on Standby

From: Vit Spinka <>
Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2009 14:13:12 +0100
Message-ID: <>

I'm by no means a subject-matter expert on EM, so I can just confirm that this worked for us (with recreating the repository after first switchover, as far as I remember).
YMMV, don't forget to test in on your configuration, using your version, etc.

We did not analyze it in much detail, it just worked for us at that time, and that was it. As it was not a performance/mission critical system, it was no point for us for getting deeper. And if it would be such system, we would gor for Grid Control, as it does not incurr any further licencing consts and does not burden the db system with the Java of the console and oms (which sometimes went crazy and ate a whole CPU monitoring an almost idle database -, IBM Power on Linux).


Sanjay Mishra wrote:
> Vit
> Thanks and I passed it to my friend and got the following Question
> Can you correct me if I am right based on the update.
> 1. Do the Switchover from SiteA(Primary) to SiteB(DR)
> 2. Recreate the SYSMAN repository on SiteB. Do we need this on can
> work without recreate and can create the Required XML file
> structure on old Standby or new Primary
> 3. Check the Database Console on SiteB
> 4. Do the Switchover again from SiteB to SiteA
> 5. Check the DB Console with Site A without any more changes
> My Doubt is only with Step 2
> Sanjay

Received on Sat Nov 28 2009 - 07:13:12 CST

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