Re: Running RAC_at_Solaris under Veritas Cluster?

From: Ram Srinivasan <>
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2009 07:22:27 -0500
Message-ID: <>

  We do have RAC in dev, test and production. Also Veritas is the file system we are using and not ASM. We actually recommended ASM. But they did not listen to the DBAs, and went with the Veritas. I think the sysadmins wanted to have complete control over the file storage system, because some  of them are not familiar with the ASM. Since we have Veritas on top of 10gR2, we are having lots of issues. Diagnosing the problems is very difficult. Whenever they bring down the boxes, CRS won't come up, or some times oracle libraries will over-write Veritas libraries, and the Veritas may not come up. Sometimes, they disks are connected to the CRS. These sysadmins take the disks off without disconnecting the disks from the CRS first, and this would bring down the CRS. They would blame the DBAs, and the DBAs will have to tell them to disconnect the disks from the CRS first,  etc........ It is a total mess down here.   If you have a choice, go with the ASM.

  Yes. It is the DBA's job to bring up/shutdown CRS, nodeapps services, instances databases, etc.. The sysadmins will bring up the file systems only.


Ram Srinivasan

On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 5:14 AM, Zhu,Chao <> wrote:

> hi Guys
> We were doing POC for RAC(sorry we are very late in technology
> deployment and indeed we don't have strong need for RAC so far as we split
> database when server running out of capacity) and our storage guys insists
> on using Veritas Cluster (guess VCS has less learning curve for them?);
> To me it does not make sense to use Veritas Cluster software as oracle
> is merging all cluster management to its CRS and it makes easier to manage
> in the longer term, and I believe it is the oracle stategy and also industry
> common practise;
> I am writing to to the list to ask for your opinon, and how does your
> company run RAC? Is there any major reason to use third party clusterware
> instead of oracle's own which is free (bundled in RAC optino)?
> Thanks.
> --
> Regards
> Zhu Chao

Ram Srinivasan

Received on Thu Nov 19 2009 - 06:22:27 CST

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