Re: Creating a heirarchy of tables in a schema based on FK

From: Guillermo Alan Bort <>
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 11:16:10 -0300
Message-ID: <>

It would appear I missed this for three oracle versions. It's a good thing I am not a developer then :-P

I have never used the on delete clause on a fk, not even on DBs I knew supported it. I usually prefer to manage that from the application.

Well, that was embarrassing enough for one day...

In that case, I would guess it would still require going through each table and modifying the constraint to add the ON DELETE CASCADE, which would be the same effort as writing a script to delete the tables in order :-P

Thanks for getting me out of an erred view on Oracle.

Alan Bort
Oracle Certified Professional

On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 10:46 AM, Igor Neyman <> wrote:

> I think ON DELETE CASCADE for FKs was supported at least since 8i.
> And, at least when there is no "special" circumstances, it's better to use
> this feature, than creating some homegrown solution (i.e. proposed in
> original message - going from bottom up).
> Igor N.
> On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 8:03 AM, Guillermo Alan Bort <
> > wrote:
>> Hierarchycal (?) models are difficult to use, specially since RDBMS allow
>> for multiple table relations (that's what the relational is all about ;-) )
>> AFAIK, Oracle does not support the ON DELETE CASCADE per se, at least it
>> doesn't in 10g (and earlier). You can emulate that using PL/SQL and/or
>> triggers.
>> You can use a brute force approach, running many the delete on all the
>> tables sorted in an arbitrary order... eventually (after four or five runs)
>> you'll have all the tables clear. NOT the best approach, just the fastest to
>> write :-P
>> Alternativeley, you can use recursion, but might not work in all
>> relational situations.
>> hth
>> Alan Bort
>> Oracle Certified Professional
>> On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 5:12 AM, Steve Baldwin <
>>> wrote:
>>> Could you just change the FK constraints to 'ON DELETE CASCADE' then
>>> just delete from the top level table(s)? This is by far the least
>>> amount of work.
>>> Alternatively, you could write a recursive function that fetches from
>>> user_constraints and user_cons_columns and uses either dbms_sql or
>>> execute immediate (depending on your Oracle version) to execute the
>>> delete statement.
>>> Hope this helps.
>>> On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 6:30 PM, Steven Rebello
>>> <> wrote:
>>> > Hi List members
>>> >
>>> > Would like your help/inputs in a problem I am facing here.
>>> >
>>> > I want to clear out records from a huge bunch of selected tables
>>> (1000+) which have interdependencies established using FK constraints. Of
>>> course, just creating a "delete * from table" doesn't work because of the FK
>>> constraints.
>>> >
>>> > What I want to do is to identify the "child" tables which can be
>>> deleted first and then create the hierarchy of tables so that the parent
>>> tables can then be cleared out, and so on.
>>> >
>>> > Can anyone point me to any reference or script which can generate this
>>> hierarchy based on the foreign key constraints? Based on that I can then
>>> make the delete script pretty quickly.
>>> >
>>> > I thought of disabling the constraints and re-enabling them after the
>>> "delete * from table" script, but would like to try the cleaner approach of
>>> starting from the bottom of the dependency tree for these tables.
>>> >
>>> > Thanks
>>> > Steven Rebello
>>> > Mastek is in NASSCOM's 'India Top 20' Software Service Exporters List.
>>> > In the US, we're called MAJESCOMASTEK
>>> >
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>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> --

Received on Wed Nov 18 2009 - 08:16:10 CST

Original text of this message