Re: Listener files/sockets in /tmp/.oracle

From: Kurt Franke <>
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2009 14:56:58 +0100
Message-Id: <>


as I remember in the early 90 years of the last century there was a very short limit to the length of the total pathname one can use to bind to a socket of type AF_UNIX of around 20 characters. I'm argueing this was one reason to use /tmp as location to make the directory part very short and allow a meaningful name for the socketfile itself.

As another Tools (i. e. X Server) had the same limitation the /tmp location would become something normative for unix domain sockets.



> I just learned something new today when our listener crashed after
> the sysadmin cleaned up our /tmp file system. Apparently the Oracle
> listener puts sockets in /tmp (or /var/tmp depending on your OS), as
> described in MOS 1013420.6.
> If the sockets are deleted, then IPC connection attempts fail with
> the following errors:
> TNS-12541: TNS:no listener
> TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
> TNS-00511: No listener
> I searched for a supported way to relocate these files to a safer
> location, but couldn’t find anything on the web or in MOS. I&#
> 8217;m thinking of just creating a link, but still need to think
> through it some more to see if that’s a good idea. Anyone else
> have any creative ideas on how to deal with this other than just not
> deleting the sockets from /tmp? Maybe there is an environment
> variable or parameter that can be used to point to a different
> location?
> Why would Oracle put important files/sockets in /tmp anyway?!?
> Thanks,
> Brandon

Received on Fri Nov 13 2009 - 07:56:58 CST

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