Re: Metalink Fiasco

From: Jared Still <>
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 2009 08:37:31 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Lots of anti-OCM sentiment here.

I must confess that I like OCM however..

OCM is not going to change anything in a database, but it does alert you to possible issues.

If the alerts are non issues, it is easy in MOS (when working) to disable alerts for that event/parameter/whatever.

SAP for example requires quite a few underscore parameters be set, which of course are flagged by OEM. It's pretty easy to disable them.

OCM is also supposed to save a lot of effort when creating an SR, as the db info is already there. I haven't been able to test that out yet though.

As for connecting to the internet, someone will have to explain to me why this is such an issue. The data sent is innocuous AFAIK.

Is there something in particular that is an issue with it?

How is is different that databases that email you an alert when an alert log error is found? Or using UTL_SMTP to send email from the database?

Jared Still
Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist Oracle Blog: Home Page:

On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 8:28 AM, Kellyn Pedersen <>wrote:

> I am in complete agreement on sending information about my databases
> across the internet- I have demands that must be met before I'll create an
> internal user account and you want me to do what??
> Maybe it's the conspiracy theorist in me, not sure about everybody else,
> but when I come across the option to connect my databases and upload
> information about them to Oracle or Microsoft- I hit that "NO WAY IN HECK"
> button as fast as I can.
> I also do not believe that a company the size of Oracle or Microsoft can
> make the best configuration decisions about my company's database needs and
> business. That's what my company hired database professionals for... :)
> Kellyn
> Kellyn Pedersen
> Multi-Platform DBA
> I-Behavior Inc.
> "Go away before I replace you with a very small and efficient shell
> script..."
> --- On *Wed, 11/11/09, Rich Jesse <>*wrote:
> From: Rich Jesse <>
> Subject: Re: Metalink Fiasco
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 9:16 AM
> > I agree. I'm just not ready to have all my databases "calling home to
> > papa Larry" yet. The service metrics are interesting, but it leaves me
> > wondering just what all they are collecting in the call home job. Is
> As one of the lucky ones who's been able to use MOS since Monday evening,
> I'd be happy if I could get rid of that stupid orange box that tells me I'm
> not using OCM. All I can do is shrink it a little. Misleading and
> annoying, especially for our users who are not technical (e.g. for
> JDEdwards
> business issues).
> And there's no way they're ever going to convince me that I need to connect
> my DB servers to the Internet, direct or by proxy. Not gonna happen.
> Ever.
> Perhaps Oracle Corp needs two levels of Support -- one for those that don't
> want to manage their DBs and another for those of us that do.
> Rich
> "Serenity now!" -- Frank Costanza
> --

Received on Wed Nov 11 2009 - 10:37:31 CST

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