Re: AWE implementation on Windows 2000 - Potential solution for intermittent TNS-12560

From: Tony van Lingen <>
Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 15:57:54 +1000
Message-ID: <>

McAfee is what we use as well - it has interesting features, such as "Unwanted Programs" and block network connections "when a remote computer writes a threat to this system". Network connections are by default unblocked after 10 minutes.

I must admit that I got to install my servers and I chose not to adhere to the standards (which were designed for workstations) and was backed by my manager after the fact... :)

Good luck!


Guillermo Alan Bort wrote:
> Well, it has a mcAfee, I don't really manage the OS or AV. I have
> requested the engineering team to add exceptions to the AV... they
> have yet to reply or do anything...
> In any case, this server is supposed to adhere to a standard, so
> disabling services and or AV is not really an option... at least not
> directly. Approval needs to be given by a dozen people before we can
> do anything of the sort... but yes, I have made these recommendations
> already.
> Thanks
> Alan Bort
> Oracle Certified Professional

Received on Wed May 13 2009 - 00:57:54 CDT

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