Transparent Session Migration?

From: Martin Berger <>
Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 11:40:32 +0200
Message-ID: <>

Hi List,
has anyone ever seen any information about Transparent Session Migration? I even discovered this subject today starting with v$tsm_session and some digging led me to DBA_TSM_SOURCE, DBA_TSM_DESTINATION, DBA_TSM_HISTORY (based on TSM_SRC$ and TSM_DST$), ORA-412xx errors, TSMSYS and cattsm.sql and at the end <>but all these did not give me a clue what Transparent Session Migration is or where to find any documentation about it. Or is it just a internal part of TAF?

Maybe someone here can give me a hint?

thank you all,


Received on Mon May 11 2009 - 04:40:32 CDT

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