AWE implementation on Windows 2000 - Potential solution for intermittent TNS-12560

From: Guillermo Alan Bort <>
Date: Fri, 8 May 2009 19:24:44 -0300
Message-ID: <>


    I have a two node 9i RAC on Windows 2000 (SP4) Advanced Server. This database serves a Siebel software running on a different machine. I don't know why these are windows machines, and I have no prior experience with RAC on windows. I know some of you might, but I'm not so sure about 9i.

    As this is 9i ( ASM is out of the question. This particular setup is based on OCFS (OCSF1, of course) with the latest patchset applied to the srvm.

   Now, the problem started some time ago with frequent instance evictions (actually the version back then was becoming more frequent after an anti-virus upgrade. I have requested to add oracle osd9i and oracle_home to the exception list of the AV, but with no luck so far (they have not done so yet). I applied both to CRM and OH in order to be in a supported level, and opened an S.R. with Oracle.

   Instance evictions have actually dimished considerably (if not stopped) but a new problem arose. Since the upgrade we have been getting several TNS-12560 Protocol Adapter Error from one of the nodes (the second one) which is the one most users use to connect. After opening yet another SR with Oracle, they suggested that I should increase the buffer cache. Now, this is windows 2000, with 6GB (and obviously PAE wnabled at the OS level) but I've been unable to extend the db_cache beyond the 2G limit.(I did indeed use indirect_data_buffers and the legacy parameter db_block_buffers). Even so, I'm not able to extend the SGA beyond 2G.

   I've researched metalink and I'm most certain I'm missing something. so I was wondering what you take on this is, and if you have any ideas.

   On the other hand, I will get a SP report to make sure we have no wild queries and try to install OSW to monitor os performance.

Thanks in advance.
Alan Bort
Oracle Certified Professional (just in 10g)

Received on Fri May 08 2009 - 17:24:44 CDT

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