Re: Same Query, same database, same application, new plan from one environment but not from another

From: Rumpi Gravenstein <>
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2008 22:46:55 -0400
Message-ID: <>

I've got the results of the traces back and it looks like the Access code is now passing a date bind variable in as something that prevents the proper use of the indexed date column. I say this because when I look at the trace I see the internal_function on the indexed column and when I run the query, with the only modification being adding 0 to the date column I get my bad explain plan.

What's perplexing is that everyone claims that there were no changes made. What I know for sure is that there was an upgrade to a new release of the Oracle Windows ODBC driver -- ( supposedly migrated a few weeks prior to our problem start) and that the Oracle statistics collection procedure was changed from a 30% estimate to COMPUTE on the day the problem was first reported.

On 8/27/08, Rumpi Gravenstein <> wrote:
> <snip>
> 10g stores previous version of stats for 30 days by default, you can
> revert stats to see if the better performing plans return and if so
> you can compare the different versions of the stats and plans to
> identify the culprit and correct it.
> </snip>
> The queries from the two environments are run within a few minutes of each
> other, sometimes the Toad version first and sometimes the Access version.
> Each run uses the same, single bind value. Given that I can't see how the
> problem can be related to differences in statistics.
> I'll check meta-link for odbc slow-down bugs.

Rumpi Gravenstein

Received on Thu Aug 28 2008 - 21:46:55 CDT

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