Re: SQL Profiles

From: Á¶µ¿¿í <>
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2008 09:19:38 +0900
Message-ID: <>

dbms_sqltune.import_sql_profile does it.

Dion Cho

2008/8/28 <>

> Anyone aware of a way to create a sql profile without running the sql
> tuning advisor? I have 6 plans associated with the same sql stmt and I want
> to create a profile based on the execution path from today's run.
> 1 select sql_id, plan_hash_value, max(timestamp) from dba_hist_sql_plan
> where
> 2 sql_id = '206z4tq4j0yrp' group by sql_id, plan_hash_value
> 3* order by 3
> SQL> /
> ------------- --------------- --------------------
> 206z4tq4j0yrp 2840312503 13-AUG-2008 04:30:14
> 206z4tq4j0yrp 2136351662 20-AUG-2008 04:38:25
> 206z4tq4j0yrp 502714015 21-AUG-2008 04:42:30
> 206z4tq4j0yrp 1813612 22-AUG-2008 04:40:20
> 206z4tq4j0yrp 3184831364 26-AUG-2008 04:25:56
> 206z4tq4j0yrp 3939223844 27-AUG-2008 04:29:42
> 6 rows selected.
> I'm just curious if there's a way to shorten the process vs creating the
> tuning task, getting it from the cursor cache, executing the tuning task,
> accepting the profile....
> Thanks - Brian
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Received on Wed Aug 27 2008 - 19:19:38 CDT

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