Re: "All triggers are evil",..., really?

From: Toon Koppelaars <>
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2008 17:17:55 +0200
Message-ID: <>

All other(*) data constraints in my database design.

*: other = other than the ones that I can deal with declaratively.

EMP-DEPT examples:

- There can be at most one PRESIDENT in EMP table.
- Everybody has less salary than his/her direct manager.
- No department can have more than 30 employees.
- Every department with a MANAGER, should also have an ADMINISTRATOR.
- ...


On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 4:11 PM, Clarke, Andrew <>wrote:

> >> If all constraint validation is correctly 'tucked away' behind
> triggers, then all
> >> of your other application code (the 'business logic' code) can be
> devoid of
> >> constraint validation code
> What sort of validation would you want to do which can't be done by
> declarative constraints and which you also wouldn't want to include in the
> "'business logic' code"?
> Cheers, APC
> A P Clarke
> Software Architect
> Logica UK Public Sector Division
> Stephenson House
> 75 Hampstead Road
> London
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Toon Koppelaars
RuleGen BV

Author: "Applied Mathematics for Database Professionals"

Received on Thu Aug 21 2008 - 10:17:55 CDT

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