Re: How do you conduct technical interviews ?

From: Andrew Kerber <>
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2008 11:19:46 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Those are hard to find. The best answer I can give you is be ready to pay the big bucks.

On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 11:01 AM, Dba DBA <>wrote:

> I am familiar with appropriate technical questions. The hardest part for me
> in interviewing is finding out of the candidate has the right type of
> personality. My ideal person is a problem solver who does not complain if
> there is a problem but is helpful and tries to fix it. It is also a person
> who does not perennially complain if they don't get there way (even if there
> way was a better decision, decisions are made and some times mistakes are
> made). Also, someone who isn't just a DBA. For example, lets say we have an
> OS or network problem and Oracle can't start. The Sys or network admin is
> busy or unavailable. The DBA can either try to look into the problem and
> diagnose it for them or sit around do nothing, but surf the internet. I find
> alot of people complain and say "I am not a sys admin". I prefer people who
> are willing to learn knew things. Same thing goes for developers. They may
> not know oracle, but will look for new things, then run them by the DBA and
> go "what do yout think of this option ?" or try to learn how to tune
> queries. They may not be good at it, but they try.
> The kind of people I don't like are the cancer type. One thing goes wrong.
> They completely stop working. They send one email and then surf the
> internet. Make little to no effort to follow up. Someone gets back to them,
> its not perfect. One more email and back to surfing the internet.
> There are alot of people like that. How do you find pro-active, smart
> people, with positive attitudes ?

Andrew W. Kerber

'If at first you dont succeed, dont take up skydiving.'

Received on Wed Aug 13 2008 - 11:19:46 CDT

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