Oracle 8.1.17 extent management

From: John Dunn <>
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2008 12:36:38 +0100
Message-ID: <2F802216565E44489600A03F763219A83E97DE@mia.SEFASBRISTOL>

In have a customer still runing 8.1.7. They were having performance issues which appeared to be due to frgmentation. An export and import solved the performance issue.  

They are due to move to Orcale 10 soon, but in the mean time what can they do to minimise fragmentation on 8.1.7.  

Move to locally managed tablespaces? Change the next extent values(which appear to be very small) ?      

John Dunn

Product Consultant

Sefas Innovation Limited

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Received on Fri Jun 20 2008 - 06:36:38 CDT

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