Compound trigger in

From: Peter Hitchman <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 12:34:36 +0100
Message-ID: <>

This is partly in desperation.

I have an SR open with Oracle since January 10th concerning a bug with compound triggers.
I read up on them, looked at an article on the excellent Oracle-Base website and went for it.
It all worked fine, until the real code in jdbc was run. All of a sudden the client code got a disconnected and ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [kkxtexe()+988] [SIGSEGV] showed up on the server. Oracle tell me the problem is not jdbc related, its an rdbms problem but I could never re-produce it using Sql*Plus. I narrowed it down in a jdbc example where any more than 2 consecutive inserts re-produced the bug.

The problem appears at least in part to the use of PL a associative array or nested table.

Oracle tell me its fixed in, but I have been waiting for nearly 3 months since that statement was added to the SR.

So has anyone else come across this and a way of fixing it without having to fall back to coding a PL package solution that holds data at the session level?



Received on Thu Jun 19 2008 - 06:34:36 CDT

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