RE: Certifications don't count! (from a good test-taker)

From: M Rafiq <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2008 12:58:28 -0400
Message-ID: <BAY107-W75A6A3DB12188D6F99113A1B00@phx.gbl>

Oracle Corp normally provides a certificate and an indivdual carrying card for certification. You may ask the candidate to show you the card, if you want to ensure that he/she is certified,  

Rafiq> Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2008 09:47:34 -0400> From:> To:> Subject: Re: Certifications don't count! (from a good test-taker)> > A couple of years ago I got very frustrated when dealing with Oracle> Certifications. On both occasions I needed Oracle to verify that a> certification was valid (i.e. the person claiming to have a> certification actually had one) but Oracle went out of their way to> make verification difficult. When I needed to verify my certification> to a perspective employer I got some mail stating that verifying> certifications may take up to 2 weeks and the verification ended up> taking a 8 business days. The other time I wanted to verify someone's> claimed OCM and Oracle said that we needed permission from the person> we were interviewing to start the verification process and that> verification would take up to 2 weeks--I was suspicious about the> initial OCM claim so this person was filed in the circular filing> cabinet because of all the hassle.> > I have also had trouble proving to Oracle certification folks that I> have taken the required OCP Oracle class.> > With Microsoft, I believe that the person with the certification can> give you a number and you go to a Microsoft web site and are able to> verify any certification claims very quickly.> > Regards> Daniel> -->> >

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Received on Mon Jun 09 2008 - 11:58:28 CDT

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