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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> ORA-00230 during RMAN backup
Hi All,
I'm doing an RMAN backup that includes automatic backup of controlfile.
The script has been working fine sofar but today I got this ORA message.
I looked up the message and basically it means that another process has a lock on the controlfile while RMAN tries to back it up.
Now I did check what other processes are suppose to be running at that time and there is just no other processes around the time that I got this message. There is not even a lot of activity on the database causing excessive log switching or anything.
Backup script:
Delete noprompt backup;
Backup database format 'OraBackups/application/DB_%d_%U';
Backup archivelog all format 'OraBackups/application/AL_d%_%U' delete all input;
We do not back up to tape directly.
Controlfile autobackup on
Controlfile autobackup format ..
Default device type disk
Device type disk parallelism 10 backup type to backupset
Snapshot controlfile name to '...'
These scripts are leftover from previous DBA and will be changed after I have convinced the powers that be that we are better off with backup database plus archivelogs. Hopefully next week.
The deletes are needed as there is a shortage of backup space on disk so we can not hold 2 days worth of backups on disk.
We are going to be testing compressed backups (10G) any bad experience with it?
-- on Wed Sep 26 2007 - 06:15:41 CDT