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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: performance question
you're right -- if the stats are the same, and given PS_EMPLOYMENT at TRN and QA have similar volumes, at least the index-fast-full-scan on PS0PERSONAL_DATA should give *some* rows in TRN!
That's why I asked to re-check the statistics for PS_EMPLOYMENT and/or PS0PERSONAL_DATA. You see, the full 10053 output of both TRN and QA would suffice to at least discard majority of hideus differences.
feel free to send it privately if you wish (and 10053 for both QA and TRN) regards.
>...But in this case, I am
>confused that execution plan is same, but accessed rows are big
>difference in return. The sql statement should be no problem, since one
>ran without any problem. if the statistics is the problem, then
>it be different execution plan?
-- on Mon Sep 10 2007 - 11:15:22 CDT